Carefully Everywhere Descending
Bangs and Whimpers: The Ends of the World and Other Catastrophes
Lurking Doubt: Notes on Incarceration
The Cat Caboodle: a Litter Box of Cat Facts and Curiosities
His Hands on Earth: Courage, Compassion, Charism, and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus / Suas Mãos na Terra: Coragem, Compaixão, Carisma, e as Irmãs Missionárias Do Sagrado Coração de Jesus / Sus Manos en la Tierra: Coraje, Compasión, Carisma, e las Hermanas Misioneras del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús / Le Se Mani sulla Terra: Coraggio, Compassione, Carisma, e le Missionarie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
Dr. Jamoke’s Little Book of Previously Uncompiled Facts and Curiosities Regarding Bees
The Horse’s Mouth: Speeches by the Candidates 2016
Be Revolutionary: Some Thoughts from Pope Francis
Law of the Jungle: Environmental Anarchy and the Tenharim People of Amazonia
Quilombo dos Palmares: Brazil’s Lost Nation of Fugitive Slaves
Love and Death in the Kingdom of Swaziland /
Amore e Morte nel Regno dello Swaziland/ Amor e Muerte en el Reino de Suazilandia
Thanksgiving: The Pilgrims’ First Year in America
Journey on the Estrada Real: Encounters in the Mountains of Brazil
Journey to Chernobyl: Encounters in a Radioactive Zone
Potshots from the Left
Frankenstein on the Cusp of Something
Acts of Ineffable Love: Short Stories
A Cheney Sampler: Excerpts from Books by Glenn Alan Cheney
Life in Caves
Children’s and Young Adult Books
(out of print)
El Salvador: Country in Crisis
They Never Knew: The Victims of Atomic Testing
Teens with Physical Disabilities
Teens, Drugs, and Recovery
Revolution in Central America
The Amazon
Television in American Society
Mohandas Gandhi
Mineral Resources
Nuclear Proliferation: Problems and Possibilities
Chernobyl: The Ongoing Story of the World’s Worst Nuclear Disaster
Shot Down
Books Translated
The Reform of Nature, (A Reforma da Natureza, Monteiro Lobato)
The Fancies of Littlenose (As Reinações do Narizinho, Monteiro Lobato)
The Size Switch (A Chave do Tamanho, Monteiro Lobato)
On Time and Eternity (Sobre o Tempo e a Eternidade, Rubem Alves
The Best Chronicles of Rubem Alves (As Melhores Crônicas de Rubem Alves)
Trio in A-Minor: Five Stories by Machado de Assis
Tender Returns (O Retorno e Terno, Rubem Alves)
Pensamentos: Bits of Wisdom from Rubem Alves (a compilation)
Concerto for Body and Soul (Concerto para Corpo e Alma, Rubem Alves)
To the Ends of the Earth (Fino Agli Estremi Confini del Mundo, Sr. Maria Barbagallo, MSC)
Art of Love: Paintings by Colleen Hennessy, Thoughts from Rubem Alves (compilation)
Books Edited and Designed
Republic of Sunlight (Melanie Greenhouse)
Nancy Marion Elwell: A Life's Travels
Crab Cakes (Kathleen Z. Boushee)
Wanderings: Works by Norwich Arts Center Artists
Wanderings 2024: Works by Norwich Arts Center Artists
Little Lisa's Great Big Alphabet Book
The Clash of the Races (Monteiro Lobato)
Earth and Sky: Nature Meditation in Word and Watercolor
Juner's Home: The Art of Yujuan Patnode
Good Days! The Bons Dias Chronicles of Machado de Assis (1888-1889)
Ex Cathedra: Stories by Machado de Assis
To Love, intransitive verb (Mário de Andrade)
Cultivating Illuminations: Art by Mark Patnode
Miss Dollar: Stories by Machado de Assis
Religions in Rio (João do /Ro)
Vertiginous Life (João do Rio)
Selfies: Paintings by Wells Moore
On Women: Paintings by Colleen Hennessy
Every Common Sight: Paintings by Colleen Hennessy
Wheresoe’er: Paintings by Colleen Hennessy
By Night or Day: Paintings by Colleen Hennessy
Books and Writings
Glenn Alan Cheney